Tuesday 12 December 2023

What is this blog?

 Welcome to Anomaly Chaser.

This is a brief introduction on this blog, what is its purpose and what you may expect reading here.

DISCLAIMER: this website will contain both english and portuguese posts.

Welcome to my site, in here we shall discuss about the CERN and how it impacts our reality.

You might be thinking it is just a lab in Geneva, but i truly believe it has something to do with actual timeline errors and more.

If you're not very familiar with CERN, it is a science lab home of various experiments involving particle accelerators, including the LHC. We will be focusing on the LHC and the experiments ATLAS and CMS, for they are the ones who are trying to study the big bang, string theory and the Higgs boson.

I am in no way, shape or form saying that all of this is scientifically confirmed, or that the CERN is a bad and demonic thing. It's the opposite; i believe CERN's intention is to help us. I personally don't believe that it is trying to open physical portals as the religious says. My feelings towards the lab are neutral, i just share what i see without bias.

How it all started

In 2022 i was super deep into spirituality, and followed a bunch of people who talked about it. Around the end of june i started hearing about the CERN; which i haven't heard ever. I ignored at first, because to me it seemed like just another crazy conspiracy, but july arrived and so did the date they wouldn't shut up about. I actually gave in and went to look deeper into it all.

Since the date  July 5, 2022, ive been noticing plenty of weird coincidences and comebacks in which i will make a specific post for. I developed a hyperfixation for physics and the CERN because many things started to happen after the date. 

But here's the thing, many people would tell me they were noticing these things as well, so it isn't something only i was experiencing; it wasn't in my head. not only that but the things were ACTUALLY HAPPENING in this reality. 

If you also noticed something that reminds you of a period in the past or anything just straight up weird, please, leave a comment so you can make it in my list of confirmation.

i have a physical list where i write the creepy things that happened and the insane thing that would have to happen so my "theory" that the CERN is just messing around in between timelines and time (spoiler: some of them are happening)

This is what the blog is about. Not only discussing this topic but involving conspiracy theories, texts and opinions about related topics, and you are all welcomed to interact with our posts no matter if they're in whatever language i decide to write, just keep the super religious and skeptical talk very far away from here. 

Share yout thoughts on CERN, on spirituality and things like that, let's all discuss and find people who have been noticing the same as we